Temple Grandin and Friends
Temple Grandin and Friends ( Joel Anderson )
Club Nokia LA, CA
May 20, 2015
Thank you to Joanne Lara and Autism Works Now for inviting me to be a presenter, and share my art ! It was great to see Temple Grandin again and have a nice visit with her.
What an exciting evening to be in the heart of Los Angeles! As for the event itself, I showed the guests my art at the lounge where we hosted the Meet & Greet with Temple Grandin and Friends.
Later, I performed as a presenter on stage in front of the audience to introduce the next special guests for the event. I was excited but at the same time a little nervous to present in front of so many people.
I enjoyed meeting new celebrities like Ed Asner and his son Matt, and Joe Mantegna and his daughter Mia ! I was a little nervous to meet some new people there, but I ended up handling it well.
It was great to see my old friends too like Joey Travolta, Dylon Aragon (he did amazing singing on stage ! ), Dani Bowman and Rachel Barcalona who came all the way from Florida.
​I met some friends from Exceptional Minds including, Howie Hoffman, Ernie Merlan, Yudi Bennett and Noah Schneider, he did a great job on stage ! Reid Moriarty, one of my friends from San Diego came to interview Dr. Temple Grandin for his "Talk Time with Reid Moriarty" pod cast show.
One of the most memorable events was watching the artist Michael Tolleson perform a live painting in front of an audience. Tolleson magnificently used the artistic elements of form and shape when performing his live horse painting. While live painting, Tolleson used intense bright colors, which made me feel impressed by the art. There were so many exciting things happening !
Even though I felt overwhelmed by the loud noises and music, I successfully pushed through it and had an amazing time.
A very special thank you to Joanne Lara for making this event come to life and including me.