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Joel's Excellent Montana Adventure

I swaggered through the saloon doors at the only place in Calico ghost town. In my best Clint Eastwood voice, "I'll have a rootbeer, please." "We don't serve rootbeer here, how 'bout a Sioux City sarsaparilla, the granddaddy of rootbeer?" said the bartender. Without reservation I replied, "I'll take two of those!" I treated mom to one. They went down "smooth and easy!" That was the first stop on Mom and Joel's Excellent Adventure that turned out to be 3,500, nine states in 13 days.

Hu Hot is a Mongolian grill restaurant originally in Kalispell, MT. I went to that one as well as the second one in Spokane. I ordered myself a make your own meal of meats, rice noodles, and vegetables. For dessert, s'mores! My grandma and grandpa take me there every time I visit so now I have a hat and shirt to wear.

The other thing we always do near their house is visit Glacier National Park. This time we had lunch at Lake McDonald Lodge. We ate emu burgers which you can't get at home. Tastes like chicken! The huckleberry lemonade is pretty tasty too. This shot of my grandpa and me was taken at the Lake McDonald Lodge.

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