Illustrating Rudi's Stories
I am honored to be the illustrator of the children's book, Rudy Stories, created by Wendy Hancock. The first I've done is called "Rudy's...
Joel and Reid In The Word Launches 3 New Videos
It is official! Joel Anderson has loaded 3 new final cuts for "Joel and Reid In The Word," "Reid's Psalm," "Doxology," and "Fairest Lord...
"Mainly MozArt", A Musical & Artistic Experience
Courtesy of the Mainly Mozart Family, the Art of Autism and Autism Society of San Diego, Mainly Mozart Genius Weekend was a musical and...
Joel Anderson, A trip to Peru with Miracle 139 International
This is my trip to Peru. It was my very first time to visit South America. I was part of Miracle139 International, a missions trip to...
How Germs Spread - Animated short film for African Water Projects
On February 2016, I've recently done an animated educational short film "How Germs Spread". Last year on February 2015 at the Joni and...
Temple Grandin and Friends
Temple Grandin and Friends ( Joel Anderson ) Club Nokia LA, CA May 20, 2015 Thank you to Joanne Lara and Autism Works Now for inviting...
My Trip To Bar B Ranch, Wyoming
A Cowboy in the Making The Bar B Ranch & Livestock Program in Burlington Wyoming A few short days before I arrived in Wyoming, I was in...
Blue Horizons for Autism
Check out my new social story video and my artwork for I Can Fly. The sky's the limit for little Vincent Ghio and his association with...
Joel's China newsletter to Australia
Here's a newsletter I've made for Australia about my experience in China last summer. Dear people, I, Joel Anderson, had a huge...
China Adventures
Hi all! China was very new and exciting for me! Everything was different-- from the unpleasant smell of Tofu, to the chaotic traffic. ...